Course curriculum

    1. Iliacus

    2. Psoas

    3. Piriformis

    4. Thoracolumbar Fascia

    5. Chapter Wrap Up

    1. Chapter Overview

    2. Diaphragm

    3. Internal and External Obliques

    4. Transverse Abdominus

    5. Rectus Abdominis

    6. Serratus Posterior Superior and Inferior

    7. Chapter Wrap Up

    1. Erector Spinae Group

    2. Longissimus

    3. Iliocostalis

    4. Internal and External Intercostals

    5. Pectoralis Minor

    6. Chapter Wrap Up

    1. Overview

    2. Mylohyoid

    3. Thyrohyoid

    4. Sternohyoid

    5. Omohyoid

    6. Stylohyoid

    7. Levator Scapulae

    8. Posterior Scalene

    9. Middle Scalene

    10. Anterior Scalene

    11. Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)

    12. Suboccipitals

    13. Chapter Wrap Up

    1. Masseter

    2. Temporalis

    3. Chapter Wrap Up

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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